Monday 14 October 2013


Today I looked at different film openings to see which ones i thought had better effects than others on me. the main website that i used was Art of the title which can be found here
We looked at the video 'A brief history of tile design'

  • One of the opening videos that i watched was the 1993 King Kong which i felt was interesting as for a film that is so old still has a good effect on the audience taking into account that it is 80 years old. 
  • the genre of this film is Action and Adventure.
  • This is in black and white as colour wasn't available in these days.
  • Obviously the standard of filming is not as developed as modern days.
  • The credits are infront of very bland backgrounds with zig-zag shapes which is quite repetitive yet having said that these shapes work well as some sort of opening curtain effect.

  • Another film opening i watched was 21 jump street. This was a good opening as it gives the audience the contrast between the two characters, one being cool and sporty and the other being uncool but smart.
  • When the shots are focused onto exam papers and other academic/uncool things it is related to one of the characters. When the shot is focused on sport, gym or a group of friends it is related to the other character. This is the contradiction between the two characters through the shooting.
  • The genre of this film is most certainly comedy, this can be recognised by the well known faces in it, for example Jonah Hill.
  • The opening is very colorful with lots of straight cuts, this could suggest that it is very modern.

  • I also looked at the film 'se7en' this appealed to me because of the title.
  • the genre of this is an American thriller.
  • I thought that the way the title came up with white on top of black was effective as it made the title very predominant.
  • Most of the shots are close ups which has some sort of dramatic effect as we wouldn't be able to see the rest of the shot which leaves a sense of mystery.

  • I looked at a different type of genre for this film opening, this film is called Evil Dead.
  • The genre of this film is Horror.
  • This film is particuarly effective for this genre as there are only two colours used being black and red. the red is used as blood which is shaped into the opening credits whilst the black is like a background.
  • The viewer instantly becomes aware that this film is a horror as there is plenty of blood but also there are many weapons that have supposedly caused this blood which then goes into shape names of people in the opening credits.

  • The last film that i looked at was Iron man 3.
  • The genre of this film is action and science fiction.
  • This film opening is good as it is the third film out of the trilogy and the prequels were extremely successful therefore iron man is very well known now. The use of the colour red and gold is effective as it ties in with the colour of iron man's suit.
  • The opening also has a cartoon like feel through the font of the text which is clever as iron man originates from a comic book as it is created by Marvel.

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