Wednesday 19 March 2014


Fish scene

I have experimented with ANIMOTO, I find that this is a very useful tool to use as it is a lot more visually alluring to the audience. You can visit ANIMOTO in this link 

Monday 17 March 2014


I have been researching in class which different websites i could use to help me with various problems I face in media. I found TRELLO, a website designed to show you what you need to do, what you're supposed to do and what is supposed to be done. This means that you personally can decide when and how long you are going to spend on a piece of work or a task that you have in mind.
I find this very useful as i can have this on screen when I am doing work rather than having posted notes. Therefore I feel this is a very good website to use for multitasking and over-all organization.

The link to my TRELLO is here

Thursday 13 March 2014


Release date: 3rd of July 2014
Distribution company: Metrodome
Director: Elliot Hogan
Actors: Bryn Williams, Amber Saville and Joss Hogan

This is the final poster design. In this design i have edited the eyes to make them brighter and slightly sharper. The effects of this is to make the eye draw attention due to it's brightness. I fee; that the red strokes underneath the eye suggest blood and danger, which links well with the title having the word in it itself. We chose the slogan 'keep one eye open at all times' we chose this because we decided the repetition of the word eye was key for our movie promotion. Also it is a commonly well known phrase therefore the slogan itself does roll off the tongue.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


This design is a working progress, we feel that the eye is perhaps slightly too dark and will not catch the audiences attention. Therefore we intend to make the eye brighter. Also we feel that the picture needs to be cropped slightly so that we cannot see the beginning of the other eye on the face. By doing this we feel we will not need to edit the poster anymore. All we need to think about now is the slogan which we have not come up with yet.

Monday 3 March 2014

P & A: photoshop

This is our first edit of the original photo. We added a filter to the picture which made the photo sharper and the shade darker. We could not have the photo bright as it would not represent the genre of the film.

This is the original photo that we have taken of the actress who plays the role of Celine in our movie. We wanted a close up of her eye in order for the poster to relate to the title. in particular the title starting with the words 'AN EYE' means it would only be logical for the poster to of just been one of her eyes.

Saturday 1 March 2014


I researched and found this website called PIXLR (link here) this app is an online photo editor. I experimented with PIXLR but I didn't find it much use for fine detail as it has more basic tools for editing in comparison to Photoshop. However this app can be downloaded on to an iPhone or Android, so it is handy for mobile phones but not a computer.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


We edited all of the filming that we have done so far, in particular using some cross fading shots to change scenes. When editing the dream scene, we decided to put the clip of the girl swooshing her hair to run over the clip of our antagonist playing with his knife. The impact of this shows that it is the antagonist dreaming about the girl. The fact that the antagonist is playing with a knife whilst dreaming about a girl shows that he is deranged and twisted. We had to make sure our filming was in the right order and that the clips of each scene aren't too long. We ended up cutting half of each clips and only using the important and best shots we have.

Monday 10 February 2014


In today's lesson we continued our filming. We set our scenes in a cloakroom of Waitrose where both Bryn and Elliot work. We used the boys changing room for these due to their coat pegs. We had a Waitrose sign stuck up next to the coat pegs so that the audience would recognize where it is supposed to be set.
These are screen shots of the scene we filmed in which Bryn is getting ready for his day at work. The picture above shows Bryn buttoning up his shirt whilst his face is covered to hide his identity. We thought this was a good shot as when Bryn puts the hat on credits appear to the side of him which looked very good. Also through this shot it becomes clear to the audience that Bryn is the protagonist. I came up with the idea of the shot with Bryn's face being hid behind the hate whilst i was filming, I felt this would be the best shot to introduce our character to the audience. from this shot I felt it would be a smooth transaction because as he puts on the hate we can see his face, so this is the perfect time to put Bryn's name up on the screen next to him.

As Bryn and Elliot work together we decided to film Elliot in this set also. Through this scene we tried to portray Elliot as the antagonist by showing him very angry and frustrated. I did this by filming a tilt pan from up to down which suggests a loss of power, highlighting his frustration.

Monday 3 February 2014


Today we filmed our most important scene which shows the personality of our antagonist. We wanted to capture him working at the fish counter with a large sharp blade. We used the classroom to film in, using table with a black cloth over it to look more professional. We put trays onto the table then put ice all over them. We then got real dead fish and placed them onto the trays, we had the projector on behind our character with the Waitrose sign above/behind his head. This looked as close and professional to a fish monger than we could get.

The way we filmed was very important as we needed to make sure that through this filming it would be obvious that the character was slightly deranged. We managed to show this through the way that we got our actor to handle the knife, as if he enjoyed to hold the knife.

Thursday 30 January 2014


In this shot you can see Bryn directing Elliot what to do and how to handle the knife as it was important that through Elliot's body language gave away a lot about his character.

In these two screenshots we decided to film a close up of Elliot holding the knife. We then decided to film a close up of Elliot stroking the knife, this would show him as slightly deranged.

In this shot Bryn directed Elliot along with how Elliot would approach stabbing the fish in the head.

We then got a close up of the knife inside the fish's head.

Wednesday 29 January 2014


 EXPLAINING WHICH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY WOULD PRESENT YOUR FILM AND WHY YOU CHOSE THAT COMPANY: UK film council, we chose this as it is a British film and it relates to many films that the UK film council have produced. Many of these films are to do with the youth of Britain and crime. Our film contains a teenager who gets tangled up with the crime but has nothing to do with it. (track recorded)
WHAT DISTRIBUTORS DO: They raise the awareness of films in order to popularize them and make them more successful. The more well known a film is before it is out, available to the public to view in the cinema or purchase the dvd, the more successful it will be in the cinemas and the overall viewings.
HOW THEY RAISE AWARENESS: Film distributors raise awareness through the media. Things like trailers that are advertised on television commercials or on the internet on websites like Youtube. The film itself would have its own website with games and information about the film. The most important trailer is the one that is used in the cinemas before a different film. This is where the audience can truly get a see what it is like to view the trailer and to see what the film looks like on the big screen. Meaning that essentially this is the make or break trailer. The best way of advertisement is the word of the mouth and if the viewers of a cinema saw the trailer of a good film that they would like to see the chances are they will tell there friends how good the film looked.
    RESEARCH ABOUT DISTRIBUTORS:   I went on to the Film Distribution’s association (FDA) website and watched a couple of clips on Film distributors speaking about how they distribute films and how the media is such a key part in advertisement and getting the name of a film well known.

Monday 27 January 2014


In this screenshot Bryn is positioned deliberately in front of the Waitrose to show where he works. Through the filming it should be clear to the audience that Bryn works at Waitrose, especially as we are gong to film him going into Waitrose.

We started with an establishing shot to show the type of place that the film will be filmed in. This is where we are planning to have Bryn and Celine walk across the road then say good-bye to each other.

This is the shot where Bryn says goodbye to Celine, this is a very important scene as through this shot it is important that friendship is shown through it. 

This is a close-up of the fish counter inside Waitrose. We are planning in doing a pan shot across the fish counter to show what type of job that Bryn does (fish monger).

Thursday 16 January 2014


This is a photo of the detective (myself) looking at images of mug shots with a file in my left hand.
This is a photo of the detective checking Celine's pulse.
A shot of Celine dead.


AS Media Studies
Thriller film opening

Fish scene

  • Location - Claremont Fan court School

  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07874638282,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07835472039,]
  • Crew: [Andy Bownes, 07899395933,] 
  • Camera equipment (Canon 600D, plus tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (Portable stage lights)
  • Props (fish x4 fish knife x2, white aprons x2, white trilby hats x2)
  • Wardrobe [white apron and white trilby hat]
  • Wardrobe [white apron and white trilby hat]


AS Media Studies
Thriller film opening
Murder victim analysed

  • Shoot date - tbd.
  • Location - Food tech corridor opening 
  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07874638282,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07835472039,]
  • Crew: [Andy Bownes, 07899395933,] 
  • Crew: [Amber Saville, 07839049290,]
  • Camera equipment (Canon 600D, plus tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (1 x portable stage lights)
  • Props (Amber)


 AS Media Studies
Thriller film opening
Celine Fantasy Sequence

  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07874638282,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07835472039,]
  • Crew: [Andy Bownes, 07899395933,] 
  • Crew: [Amber Saville, 07839049290,]
  • Camera equipment (Canon 600D, plus tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (2 x portable stage lights)
  • Props (Amber/Connie)

  • Shoot date - Monday 20th January
  • Location - School gym


  • AS Media Studies Thriller film opening - An Eye For Danger 
  • Murder finding scene
  • 20th January 2014
  • Food Tech doorway
  • IMAGE:
  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07789463786,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07231774659,]
  • Crew: [Andrew Bownes, 07364889003,] etc..
  • Camera equipment (Cannon 600D, Tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (1x stage light)
  • Props (Fake blood)
  • Wardrobe [Celine]

Wednesday 15 January 2014


 We story boarded the  sequence where the two main characters are introduced and decided what order the titles would be. in our framing and composition of our shots we know that we need to leave appropriate spaces for these titles to come up. We are currently researching the title of our film.

order of titles as seen on the screen:
Elliot Hogan as Oles
Bryn Williams as Alex
Amber Saville as Celine

The name oles has connotations of eastern europe (most crime being around these parts)
we chose this name as it is simple, easy to pronounce and a Ukrainian name.
The name Alex is very simple and short for Alexander, Alex pis less posh. We chose this name because it is British and very simplistic.
The name Celine has connotations of beauty. We chose this name as it isn't a common or normal name and catches attention.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


We have decided on the scene where the angry frustrated man fantasizes about a young beautiful woman. In this scene we are looking to show her in a 'dreamy' way. We will attempt to do this by :
  • a swaying movement to show her beauty and innocence
  • her long hair following her movement of direction
  • her head never stable

Monday 13 January 2014


We have refined our story board in order to increase the sense of menace. In this sequence we now have a more fully developed montage in which the older dark haired man is constructed as a brooding, repressed figure who is obsessed with a young woman. We intend to signal his frustrations through a dreamlike insight into his fantasies about the girl. We intend to convey his latent violence through the way he handles the fish knife. A match cut between the fishes eye in ECU and the girls eye hints at future violence.