Wednesday 27 November 2013


The big 6 are the common companies that make and distribute the big Hollywood block buster films. As they are known as the big 6 they can afford to spend a lot of money on a film and not make much profit whilst other companies can not afford to do this so it is very rare you find a film with incredible cgi that isn't one of the big 6.

The big 6 function a lot differently in comparison to the British film industry. For example the big 6 are well known for over the top dramatic action and adventure films that involve heroes and death in violent ways. The British film institute is very patriotic and cultural, so almost all the filming would of been shot in the UK. Therefore it is only fair to say that the British film institute is a lot more realistic than the big 6.

In modern days it is fair to say that tablets are becoming more and more common and laptops less. Due to the handiness and easy portability with the exact same tools as a laptop it is almost pointless to have a laptop. Cross media convergence is very important, for example it is possible to access your netflix account on your games console, therefore this is two media companies joining together, this is synergy. Also another cross media convergence is two very big companies, Disney joined with Pixar, so now Disney owns Pixar.

British audiences are targeted mainly through the internet and social media. Other ways are posters, trailers on television and fleet. Fleet is the advertisement on a moving bus. But the most effective way of targeting an audience is the word of the mouth. The more people talk about a film, the more people hear about the film, the more people want to watch the film. People trust other people's opinions within their friendship group therefore if a friend says that a film is worth watching almost everyone within that peer group will want to watch that film.

The biggest trend at the moment is definitely the internet and watching films on the internet on tablets or even on their phones. Peter Jackson the director of the Hobbit is trying to start his own trend. This trend is for young people to start going to the cinema again. He is trying to start this through making his trailer so beautiful and captivating that it would seem idiotic to watch it on a miniature screen. Also the fact that Jackson is producing the film in 48 frames per second in 3d. This is a lot less strenuous on the eyes and is a lot smoother.

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